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Voice of the DBA

Welcome to the Voice of the DBA, thoughts from Steve Jones on databases, SQL Server, and life.

May 30, 2014

This is my last day of work this quarter as I start my sabbatical at 5 o'clock today. I'll be gone for the next six weeks, away from SQLServerCentral, trying to improve and grow myself while staying as unwired as I can during that time. The rest of the staff here at SQLServerCentral will pick up the load, and I'm sure everything will be fine.

This is a bit scary for me. I've pretty much been employed full time since I was 17, only taking a few, short, involuntary stretches of unemployment in almost 30 years. Even during those times without a job I was focused on finding a job almost every day, so it felt as if I still had the job of finding a job during those times. I'm nervous about taking the time off, and certainly worried a bit about SQLServerCentral as I'm not sure I've been away from the site for more than a week since it was founded.


Read the rest of "Farewell" at SQLServerCentral.